Point Isabel Needs Your Help — Become a Volunteer
There are more than a million visits by people and pups to Point Isabel Regional Shoreline every year.
It’s beautiful. It’s beloved. Dogs can run free.
Only you can help keep it that way.

PIDO is a nonprofit organization run entirely by volunteers. We’re seeking enthusiastic volunteers of all ages and with various expertise and experience. PIDO officers can sign off on community service hours required by schools and legal entities. We also craft opportunities with educators and employers to participate in group service projects.
We have worked since 1985 to help keep Point Isabel clean, safe, and off-leash. Please get involved to ensure that continues for the next 40 years!
Ways you can help out
Fill out PIDO’s vounteer form
Stay in the know. Sign up for e-Alerts so we can get urgent news – such as safety alerts, park closures, special events – to you quickly. We promise not to spam you. And we never share member information.
General inquiries
If you have general questions (not related to volunteering) ideas or requests, please contact PIDO.
Point Isabel Dog Owners & Friends
P.O. Box 8282, Berkeley, CA 94707
info@pido.org or 510-426-5129