Upcoming events
PIDO organizes events such as an Earth Day Weekend volunteer work party, an annual Canine Good Citizen test, and a Barktoberfest dog costume contest around Halloween. We host free Off-leash Skills 101 sessions every quarter to help people and pets hone their off-leash dog walking skills, as well as monthly cleanups and weed pulls to keep Point Isabel tidy and safe for all. These are great opportunities to build community, pitch in, and meet fellow dog guardians and their dogs!

CLEAN-UP DAY at Point Isabel
10 a.m. — 12 noon
Join PIDO Saturday morning to pick up "stuff” or pull weeds, including early foxtails!
Bring your own gloves and gardening tools or use ours. Dogs welcome. Bring water.
Stay for 15 minutes or the whole two hours — every bit helps.
Meet us between the Rydin Road parking lot and the footbridge. (Sign up ahead at info@pido.org or just show up.)
Ask about our special treats for all good dogs — and their people!
photo by Lew Jacobson

Point Isabel history talk
From Ohlone settlement, to Mexican rancho, to dynamite manufactory, to frog farm: Point Isabel has a rich and fascinating history.
Join the El Cerrito Historical Society for a talk by Mary Barnsdale, author of a forthcoming book about the history of Point Isabel, as she walks us through the startling changes over the last few centuries on the Point Isabel peninsula and how those echo California history’s overall.
Thursday, April 10, 2025
7 - 9 pm
Hana Gardens Senior Center
10870 San Pablo Avenue
El Cerrito, CA, 94530 (map)
Event is free. Light refreshments.
More info: https://www.elcerritohistoricalsociety.org/societyevents/pointisabel2025
The Point Isabel History Project is being developed in celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Point Isabel Regional Shoreline in 2025. It is partially supported by a grant from East Bay Regional Park District’s Regional Parks Foundation to Point Isabel Dog Owners (PIDO).

Join a PIDO/EBRPD volunteer work day on Sunday, April 27, from 10 am to noon. Meet in Hoffman Field (between Hoffman Channel and the USPS parking lot/Bay Trail loop). Bring your own drinking water, and gloves, rakes, hoes, and shovels, if you have them.

A professional trainer will review essential off-leash skills, explore lesser-known techniques (such as emergency recall commands), and share tips and tricks learned by PIDO members over the years. New dog owners who want to shorten their learning curves as well as dogs and people who want to sharpen their skills are all welcome. Must pre-register by emailing skills@pido.org. The class is free but limited to 10 participants.

A professional trainer will review essential off-leash skills, explore lesser-known techniques (such as emergency recall commands), and share tips and tricks learned by PIDO members over the years. New dog owners who want to shorten their learning curves as well as dogs and people who want to sharpen their skills are all welcome. Must pre-register by emailing skills@pido.org. The class is free but limited to 10 participants.

PIDO’s Barktoberfest Halloween dog costume contest and parade is Sunday, October 26, from 12:30 to 2:30 pm at Point Isabel Regional Shoreline — parade begins at 1 pm..
WHEN: Register for costume contest at 12:30, if you’re competing. (See entry fees below.) Short parade begins at 1 pm, followed by judging, prizes, and photos of winners.
WHERE: The field north of Sit and Stay Café/ Mudpupppy’s, 1 Isabel Street. Arrive early; parking may be difficult.
HOW MUCH: Dog costume contest is free for PIDO members and friends. Contest categories: First, second, and third place in Small, Medium, and Large Dog categories, plus one grand prize (“Judges’ Choice”).
SPOOKY MERCH: Limited edition PIDO hoodies and tees are on sale now for our upcoming Barktoberfest Halloween costume contest and parade. We have new sizes and colors decked out with our spooky logo — while they last.

AKC Canine Good Citizen test (nominal $10 fee to pay for certified trainer). Handler/dog teams are tested in 10 areas. Dogs who didn’t pass in 2024 may retest for free if you let us know ahead of time (email info@pido.org).
Your dog must be able to walk calmly on a loose leash, pass other dogs and people, show no extreme reactions to several levels of distractions, demonstrate smooth responses to obedience cues, and be handled by and left alone with a stranger without being stressed. Testing takes about 15 minutes.
Dog owners participating in the CGC test sign the Responsible Dog Owner’s Pledge, committing to maintain the pet’s health, safety, and quality of life. You can self-train for the tests (visit the AKC website), or attend a class. Nancy Frensley provides CGC classes and testing at Berkeley Humane (contact: Nancy@finessedogtraining.net).
Spaces are limited; email info@pido.org to reserve one, or come early to try first-come, first-served that day. Meet at field behind Mudpuppy’s, near the parking lot and café patio area. Be aware - the test will take place in an area, the “ring” - that will have a visible barrier/fence but is accessible to on- and off-leash dogs.

A professional trainer will review essential off-leash skills, explore lesser-known techniques (such as emergency recall commands), and share tips and tricks learned by PIDO members over the years. New dog owners who want to shorten their learning curves as well as dogs and people who want to sharpen their skills are all welcome. Must pre-register by emailing skills@pido.org. The class is free but limited to 10 participants.

**Cancelled** CLEANUP DAY
LAST CLEANUP DAY of 2024 at Point Isabel
Saturday, December 28, 2024
9:00 AM 12:00 PM
Check-in at the PIDO table near the Rydin Road parking lot and the footbridge.
Waves and wind have dumped tiny pieces of Styrofoam along the bay side of the park -- and they're migrating to other areas, too, including the field near Sit & Stay Cafe. Plastic bottles and other trash -- including half a burnt shipping pallet -- have washed in and lodged along the shoreline and in the rocks.
Join us to collect plastic debris and remove it from the environment at the park. The Styrofoam is particularly noxious; the smaller the fragments get, the more likely that birds and other creatures will gobble them up by mistake.
Also, whenever it rains there seem to be more poops lying around that weren't picked up. It's even more important to clean up after dogs in winter, to keep contaminants out of puddles and the bay. Help us keep the park sanitary.
Bring your own gloves and bags or use ours.
Join us for a few minutes or the whole two hours.
Every bit helps. Sign up ahead at info@pido.org or just show up!
Rain cancels the event
photo by Lew Jacobson

NOTE: This course is rescheduled for Dec. 15 due to rain.
A professional trainer will review essential off-leash skills, explore lesser-known techniques (such as emergency recall commands), and share tips and tricks learned by PIDO members over the years. New dog owners who want to shorten their learning curves as well as dogs and people who want to sharpen their skills are all welcome. Must pre-register by emailing skills@pido.org. The class is free but limited to 10 participants.

CLEAN-UP DAY at Point Isabel
10 a.m. — 12 noon
Join us Saturday morning to pick up "stuff” or pull weeds, including early foxtails!
Bring your own gloves and gardening tools or use ours. Dogs welcome. Bring water.
Stay for 15 minutes or the whole two hours — every bit helps.
Meet us between the Rydin Road parking lot and the footbridge. (Sign up ahead at info@pido.org or just show up.)
Ask about our special treats for all good dogs — and their people!
photo by Lew Jacobson

AKC Canine Good Citizen test (nominal $10 fee to pay for certified trainer). Handler/dog teams are tested in 10 areas. Dogs who didn’t pass in 2023 may retest for free if you let us know ahead of time (email info@pido.org).
Your dog must be able to walk calmly on a loose leash, pass other dogs and people, show no extreme reactions to several levels of distractions, demonstrate smooth responses to obedience cues, and be handled by and left alone with a stranger without being stressed. Testing takes about 15 minutes.
Dog owners participating in the CGC test sign the Responsible Dog Owner’s Pledge, committing to maintain the pet’s health, safety, and quality of life. You can self-train for the tests (visit the AKC website), or attend a class. Nancy Frensley provides CGC classes and testing at Berkeley Humane (contact: Nancy@finessedogtraining.net).
Spaces are limited; email info@pido.org to reserve one, or come early to try first-come, first-served that day. Meet at field behind Mudpuppy’s, near the parking lot and café patio area. Be aware - the test will take place in an area, the “ring” - that will have a visible barrier/fence but is accessible to on- and off-leash dogs.

PIDO’s Barktoberfest Halloween dog costume contest and parade is Sunday, October 27, from 12:30 to 2:30 pm at Point Isabel Regional Shoreline — parade begins at 1 pm..
WHEN: Register for costume contest at 12:30, if you’re competing. (See entry fees below.) Short parade begins at 1 pm, followed by judging, prizes, and photos of winners.
WHERE: The field north of Sit and Stay Café/ Mudpupppy’s, 1 Isabel Street. Arrive early; parking may be difficult.
HOW MUCH: Dog costume contest is free for PIDO members and friends. Contest categories: First, second, and third place in Small, Medium, and Large Dog categories, plus one grand prize (“Judges’ Choice”).
SPOOKY MERCH: Limited edition PIDO hoodies and tees are on sale now for our upcoming Barktoberfest Halloween costume contest and parade. We have new sizes and colors decked out with our spooky logo — while they last.

CLEAN-UP DAY at Point Isabel
October 26
10 a.m. — 12 noon
Join us Saturday morning to pick up "stuff” or pull weeds, including early foxtails!
Bring your own gloves and gardening tools or use ours. Dogs welcome. Bring water.
Stay for 15 minutes or the whole two hours — every bit helps.
Meet us between the Rydin Road parking lot and the footbridge. (Sign up ahead at info@pido.org or just show up.)
Ask about our special treats for all good dogs — and their people!
photo by Lew Jacobson

Professional trainer Birgit Hafermann will review essential off-leash skills, explore lesser-known techniques (such as emergency recall commands), and share tips and tricks learned by PIDO members over the years. New dog owners who want to shorten their learning curves as well as dogs and people who want to sharpen their skills are all welcome. Must pre-register by emailing skills@pido.org. The class is free but limited to 10 participants.
Photo by Penny Green

CLEAN-UP DAY at Point Isabel
Saturday, July 27
10 a.m. — 12 noon
Join us Saturday morning to pick up "stuff” or pull weeds, including early foxtails!
Bring your own gloves and gardening tools or use ours.
Stay for 15 minutes or the whole two hours — every bit helps.
Meet us between the Rydin Road parking lot and the footbridge. (Sign up ahead at info@pido.org or just show up.)
Ask about our special treats for all good dogs — and their people!
photo by Lew Jacobson

CLEAN-UP DAY at Point Isabel
Saturday, June 29
10 a.m. — 12 noon
Join us Saturday morning to pick up "stuff” or pull weeds, including early foxtails!
Bring your own gloves and gardening tools or use ours.
Stay for 15 minutes or the whole two hours — every bit helps.
Meet us between the Rydin Road parking lot and the footbridge. (Sign up ahead at info@pido.org or just show up.)
Ask about our special treats for all good dogs — and their people!
photo by Lew Jacobson

Professional trainer Birgit Hafermann will review essential off-leash skills, explore lesser-known techniques (such as emergency recall commands), and share tips and tricks learned by PIDO members over the years. New dog owners who want to shorten their learning curves as well as dogs and people who want to sharpen their skills are all welcome. Email info@pido.org to sign up. The class is free but limited to 10 participants.

Southwest Airlines volunteers will join PIDO's May 22 clean-up!
Wednesday, May 22
10 to noon
Later this month we're hosting a midweek clean-up and weed pull -- and Southwest Airlines volunteers are coming to help! Get details about where we're focusing that day when you sign in at our table between the Rydin Road entrance and the footbridge. Bring your own gloves and gardening tools or borrow the ranger's.
Volunteer for an hour or more to earn PIDO Dog Bucks discount coupons redeemable at the café or dog wash (courtesy of the Mudpuppy's crew and PIDO).
Join us for a few minutes or the whole two hours! Sign up ahead at info@pido.org or just show up.
Photo by Lew Jacobson

CLEAN-UP DAY at Point Isabel
Saturday, April 27
10 a.m -- Noon
Join us Saturday morning to pick up "stuff” or pull weeds.
Stay for 15 minutes or the whole two hours -- every bit helps.
Meet us between the Rydin Road parking lot and the footbridge. (Sign up ahead at info@pido.org or just show up.) Bring your own gloves and gardening tools or use ours.
Ask about “PIDO Perks” for all good dogs and their people!

Earth Day Work Party
Show our trees some love
Join PIDO and East Bay Regional Park District on Sunday, April 21 (Earth Day weekend) between 10 a.m. and noon to mulch our newest trees. Meet in the long, flat field between Hoffman Channel and the Bay Trail bike path (the field with two benches, one backless). Come for 10 minutes or two hours…every bit helps! Bring rakes, hoes, shovels, and gloves, if you have them, and your own drinking water. This year we'll be adding dirt around the young trees and filling in holes to reduce tripping hazards and improve the appearance of the park. If you park in the Rydin Road parking lot, walk toward Mudpuppy's.

CLEAN-UP DAY at Point Isabel
Saturday, March 30th
10 a.m -- Noon
Join us this Saturday morning to pick up "stuff” or pull weeds, including early foxtails!
Bring your own gloves and gardening tools or use ours.
Stay for 15 minutes or the whole two hours -- every bit helps.
Meet us between the Rydin Road parking lot and the footbridge. (Sign up ahead at info@pido.org or just show up.)
Ask about our special treats for all good dogs -- and their people!

Professional trainer Birgit Hafermann will review essential off-leash skills, explore lesser-known techniques (such as emergency recall commands), and share tips and tricks learned by PIDO members over the years. New dog owners who want to shorten their learning curves as well as dogs and people who want to sharpen their skills are all welcome. Email info@pido.org to sign up. The class is free but limited to 10 participants.

Professional trainer Birgit Hafermann will review essential off-leash skills, explore lesser-known techniques (such as emergency recall commands), and share tips and tricks learned by PIDO members over the years. New dog owners who want to shorten their learning curves as well as dogs and people who want to sharpen their skills are all welcome. Email info@pido.org to sign up. The class is free but limited to 10 participants.

PIDO’s Barktoberfest Halloween dog costume contest and parade is Sunday, October 29, from 12:30 to 2:30 pm at Point Isabel Regional Shoreline — parade begins at 1 pm. Judges this year include East Bay Regional Park District Director Elizabeth Echols and Contra Costa County Supervisor John Gioia.
WHEN: Register for costume contest at 12:30, if you’re competing. (See entry fees below.) Short parade begins at 1 pm, followed by judging, prizes, and photos of winners.
WHERE: The field north of Sit and Stay Café/ Mudpupppy’s, 1 Isabel Street. Arrive early; parking may be difficult.
HOW MUCH: Dog costume contest is free for PIDO members, $5 for non-members. The parade is free. Contest categories: First, second, and third place in Small, Medium, and Large Dog categories, plus one grand prize (“Judges’ Choice”).
SPOOKY MERCH: Limited edition PIDO hoodies and tees are on sale now for our upcoming Barktoberfest Halloween costume contest and parade. We have new sizes and colors decked out with our spooky logo — while they last.

Point Isabel History Walk
Meet by the Sit and Stay Café (at the end of Central Avenue/Isabel Street, the bay side parking lot) at Point Isabel Regional Shoreline. See map.
Event is free. For more info and RSVP: ehistorical@gmail.com

Coastal Cleanup
Join East Bay Regional Parks for the 39th annual Coastal Cleanup!
Point Isabel-Rydin Road
Join us for California’s largest annual Volunteer event! Help remove trash and plastic pollution at beaches and waterways throughout the Park District.
Lend a hand on September 23, 2023, and earn a Coastal Cleanup patch or sticker. Special prizes for the most unusual trash collected!
Register online: Coastal Cleanup Registration
Registration is requested, but walkups will be allowed.
If you would like to bring a group of 10 or more people, please register yourself and then call us at (510)544-2229 or email Volunteers@ebparks.org.

Professional trainer Birgit Hafermann will review essential off-leash skills, explore lesser-known techniques (such as emergency recall commands), and share tips and tricks learned by PIDO members over the years. New dog owners who want to shorten their learning curves as well as dogs and people who want to sharpen their skills are all welcome. Email info@pido.org to sign up. The class is free but limited to 10 participants.

AKC Canine Good Citizen test (nominal $10 fee to pay for certified trainer). Handler/dog teams are tested in 10 areas. Dogs who didn’t pass in 2022 may retest for free if you let us know ahead of time (email info@pido.org).
Your dog must be able to walk calmly on a loose leash, pass other dogs and people, show no extreme reactions to several levels of distractions, demonstrate smooth responses to obedience cues, and be handled by and left alone with a stranger without being stressed. Testing takes about 15 minutes.
Dog owners participating in the CGC test sign the Responsible Dog Owner’s Pledge, committing to maintain the pet’s health, safety, and quality of life. You can self-train for the tests (visit the AKC website), or attend a class. Nancy Frensley provides CGC classes and testing at Berkeley Humane (contact: Nancy@finessedogtraining.net).
Come early, so you can secure your slot on a first come, first served basis. Be aware - the test will take place in an area, the “ring,” which will have a visible barrier/fence, but is accessible to on- and off-leash dogs. It’s near the parking lot and café patio area.
Meet at field behind Mudpuppy’s. You can get more details on the PIDO Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/events/2096046010599942

Note: This class is full. We’re also planning another class on September 16:
Professional trainer Birgit Hafermann will review essential off-leash skills, explore lesser-known techniques (such as emergency recall commands), and share tips and tricks learned by PIDO members over the years. New dog owners who want to shorten their learning curves as well as dogs and people who want to sharpen their skills are all welcome. Email info@pido.org to sign up. The class is free but limited to 10 participants.
Photo by Penny Green

Earth Day
Show our trees some love
Join PIDO and East Bay Regional Park District on Sunday, April 23 (Earth Day weekend) between 10 a.m. and noon to mulch our newest trees. Meet in the long, flat field between Hoffman Channel and the Bay Trail bike path (the field with two benches, one backless). Come for 10 minutes or two hours…every bit helps! Bring rakes, hoes, shovels, and gloves, if you have them, and your own drinking water.

Cleanup Day
Grab your gloves for a self-guided, DIY cleanup day. As you go around the park, please pick up some extra trash or stray doggie doos. If you want to join Point Isabel Dog Owners & Fiends or find out more about the park, PIDO volunteers will be near the bridge from 10 to noon.

Cleanup Day
Grab your gloves for a self-guided, DIY cleanup day. As you go around the park, please pick up some extra trash or stray doggie doos. If you want to join Point Isabel Dog Owners & Fiends or find out more about the park, PIDO volunteers will be near the bridge from 10 to noon.

Tree Mulching
Let’s keep Point Isabel clean and weed free. Meet in the parking lot at 10 am. Bring gloves and a can-do spirit. We’ll provide shovels, wheelbarrows, rakes, and of course, mulch.

Cleanup Day
Grab your gloves for a self-guided, DIY cleanup day. As you go around the park, please pick up some extra trash or stray doggie doos. If you want to join Point Isabel Dog Owners & Fiends or find out more about the park, PIDO volunteers will be near the bridge from 10 to noon.

Cleanup Day
Grab your gloves for a self-guided, DIY cleanup day. As you go around the park, please pick up some extra trash or stray doggie doos. If you want to join Point Isabel Dog Owners & Fiends or find out more about the park, PIDO volunteers will be near the bridge from 10 to noon.

Cleanup Day
Grab your gloves for a self-guided, DIY cleanup day. As you go around the park, please pick up some extra trash or stray doggie doos. If you want to join Point Isabel Dog Owners & Fiends or find out more about the park, PIDO volunteers will be near the bridge from 10 to noon.