Point Isabel Dog Owners & Friends is an all-volunteer nonprofit organization. We regularly do park cleanups and weed pulls, help pay for poop bags, produce park information brochures, maintain bulletin boards to help educate park visitors, and host community events. We publish The PIDO Pointer and email members updates and important news about Point Isabel and other East Bay parks. Thanks to donors, PIDO has contributed nearly $35,000 to EBRPD over the past 10 years for improvements at Point Isabel

Thank you to our recent Donors

January - March, 2025

Mary Barnsdale, in memory of remarkable Lina Foltz, and of Jennifer’s Tessa

Rand Careaga, to keep that paper Pointer coming

Stephen Collins, in memory of Howie…you were an exceptional dog and companion!

Judith Dickman, in memory of Farfel and Chatchka--always their happiest at Pt. Isabel

Eve Lednicky, in fond memory of Kahlua and Mocha

Koji Maru, in memory of my sweet, shy girl Mocha and her best pal Kahlua. They will be missed forever.

Julie Myers, in honor of Millie (mom) and Lucy (dog) Myers; we all still love the park.

M. Gay Nichols, in memory of the owls

Ellen Soohoo, in memory of Badger, who loved Pt. Isabel walks with Mayumi and Steve

Judy Bastin

AJ Benham

Donelda Bernard

Blackbaud Giving Fund, on behalf of Chevron Matching Employee Funds

Nancy Boas & David Quady

Wendy Bogin

Bretall Family Fund

Chris Brown

Marianne Clark

Caroline Clarke

Alina Constantinescu

Pammy Cure

Thomas Diettrich

Christine Eduok

Irene Elmer

Pat Finucane

Avilee Goodwin

Marilyn Harryman

Dorothy Haynes

Alisa Hofmann

Martha Jewett

Allison Kidder

Karen Lou

Deborah Marshall

Laia Pedreno Mateu

Carolyne Orazi

Susan Papert

Nicole Perry

Carole Plum

Connie Rutherford

John Schmidt

Robin Simonett

Daniel F. Smith

Mariko & Ty Sola

Carla Soracco

Anna Stenberg

Shirley Sun

Hiroki Terashima

Third Culture Bakery

Debra Weinstein

Carol Wise

October - December, 2024

Mary Barnsdale, Eileen Cohen, Nan Shepard, Ellen Soohoo, & Liz Weiss in memory of
Chance (Pam and Steve), Lily (Terry and Daniel), and Matt (Kay)

Rand Careaga, in memory of Lina Foltz (1953-2024) and of Napalm (1993-2011) and Ravi (2007-2023), all of whom reveled in their afternoons at Point Isabel

Steve Collins, in memory of Helen H. Collins

Valeria Evans, in memory of Leela

Gina Mori & James Pine, on behalf of AnnaBellatrix

Diane Pinko, in memory of Sophie and Marty, who loved their playtimes at Pt. Isabel. “In my heart forever.”

Diane Williamson, Norm Ludwig, & Gus, in honor of Koji’s beloved Kahlua, who loved Point Isabel

Connie You & Richard Halpern, in loving memory of Annie

Jose Ignacio Antuna

Michelle Bashin

AJ Benham

Robert Bergman

Donelda Bernard

Blackbaud Giving Fund, on behalf of Chevron Matching Employee Funds

Chris Brown

Mary Ann Campbell

Sara Carver

Marianne Clark

Teresa Colwell & Todd Wright

Claudia Cronin

Donald Dellis

Rani Derasary

Peter & Gretchen Detre

Valerie Dow

Sheila Duignan & Mike Wilkins

Christine Eduok

David English

Sandra Flores-Lopez

John Foley

Ellen Gierson

Diana Gordon

Harold Graboske

Penelope Green

Arnold Gutlaizer

Cynthia Haden

Sharon Harris

Leslie Hilford

Anne Hoffman

Tiffany Hou

Jocelyn Iannucci

Dee Iaroli

Keith Jackson

Julie Jeffry

Rollie Katz

Joseph Kornfeld

Heinz Lankford

Leslie Lee

Stacy Leier-Valentine

Ming-Li Liu

Diane Livoti

Arlene & Maurice Marcus

Laia Pedreno Mateu

Chris Matthews

Cynthia McAfee

Linda Menegat

Colette Meunier

Paul Meyerhof

Nash Mittelman

Carol Moretti

Christian Mortgat

Hilary Naylor

Emmylou Novo

Susan Obayashi

Chris Orme

Susan Papert

Aileen Paterson

Scott Phillips

Stephen & Terri Puryear

Barbara Robben

Stan Roth

Elizabeth Rottger

Connie Rutherford

Scott St. Hilaire

Kelly Schoonmaker

Monika Schrag

Thom & Betty Seaton

Nan Shepard

Robin Simonett

Linda Skory

Stacey Steele

Rosanna & Eric Stephens

Carole M. Strauss

Carol Takaki

Linda & Richard Tarrant

Hiroki Terashima

Third Culture Bakery

Mila Visser 't Hooft

Glenn Torii

Vinh Tran

Katherine Triest

Tom & Jan Vargo

David Walters

Victor Weisser

Susan Whitman

Andrea E. Williams

Daniel Wilcox

Ron Wizelman

Stephanie Woods

July - September, 2024

Robbie Cranch, in loving memory of Dr. Carol Ballew and her beloved
dogs Augie, Idgie, Onslowe, and Daisy

Shawn McMillan & Judith Endres, in honor of Jane Stanbrough & Alice Cox

Julie Myers, in memory of Happy, a great big shelter dog and pal for her mom Ruby Lee;
loved by all on the block

Julie Myers, in memory of Perla, beloved by her mom Betty Barnes

Tiare Ordanza, in memory of her mini dachshunds Donovan and Scarlett (winners of the Barktoberfest small dog group over 10 years ago). They loved the outdoors and Pt. Isabel dog world. RIP!

Mayumi & Steve Santoro, in loving memory of Badger, who loved Point Isabel

Tiffany Stutzke, in memory of “Darling Dusty of Davis”

AJ Benham

Donelda Bernard

Blackbaud Giving Fund, on behalf of Chevron Matching Employee Funds

Jeri Boomgaarden

Jonathan Cheng

Chris Brown

Marianne Clark

John & Deborah Edack

Lori Hymel

Jocelyn Iannucci

Daniel Johnson & Herman Winkel

Laia Pedreno Mateu

Kandace Norwood

Susan Papert

Susan Reynolds

Katharina Rock

Connie Rutherford

M. Ryce

Pat Sax

Nan Shepard

Alan & Dawn Surges

Denise Svenson

Hiroki Terashima

Third Culture Bakery

Christina Tworek

Kate Trevelyan-Hall

Jim Wilts

April - June 2024

Miriam Agrell

Mary Barnsdale, in memory of three Very Good Boys: Lew & Nadine's Blue,
Kathy's Cicero, and Nancy's Domino

AJ Benham

Donelda Bernard

Blackbaud Giving Fund, on behalf of Chevron Matching Employee Funds

Beth Brannock

Chris Brown

Ryan Burke

Ellen Carroll, in honor of the Button/Burnett engagement and in memory
of their dog Eliot, who loved Point Isabel

Steve Chen

Marianne Clark

Kathleen Gadway

Harold Graboske

Antoinette Hamilton

M.J. Honor

Lisa Lomba

Laia Pedreno Mateu

Mazel Reed Foundation Fund

Virginia Northrop

Susan Papert

Connie Rutherford

Sarah Webb Charitable Fund

Francie Shaw

Ellen Soohoo, in memory of Nancy’s Domino and Lew & Nadine’s Blue

Third Culture Bakery

Jungyu Tien

Regina Wells