LAST CLEANUP DAY of 2024 at Point Isabel
Saturday, December 28, 2024
9:00 AM 12:00 PM
Check-in at the PIDO table near the Rydin Road parking lot and the footbridge.
Waves and wind have dumped tiny pieces of Styrofoam along the bay side of the park -- and they're migrating to other areas, too, including the field near Sit & Stay Cafe. Plastic bottles and other trash -- including half a burnt shipping pallet -- have washed in and lodged along the shoreline and in the rocks.
Join us to collect plastic debris and remove it from the environment at the park. The Styrofoam is particularly noxious; the smaller the fragments get, the more likely that birds and other creatures will gobble them up by mistake.
Also, whenever it rains there seem to be more poops lying around that weren't picked up. It's even more important to clean up after dogs in winter, to keep contaminants out of puddles and the bay. Help us keep the park sanitary.
Bring your own gloves and bags or use ours.
Join us for a few minutes or the whole two hours.
Every bit helps. Sign up ahead at info@pido.org or just show up!
Rain cancels the event
photo by Lew Jacobson