Join East Bay Regional Parks for the 38th annual Coastal Cleanup!
Point Isabel-Rydin Road
Please note:
If you would like to bring a group of 10 or more people, please register yourself and then call us at (510) 544-2229 or email
Participants over 2 years old are encouraged to wear masks.
Participants should maintain 6 ft of distance.
Please do not show up to your Volunteer event if you are showing ANY symptoms of illness!
How it works:
Register Below (or walkups also accepted-see below)
Bring some things! Water bottle, gloves, PPE, & bucket if available.
Show up at your scheduled time- check-in with staff to receive trash bags and directions.
Engage in your cleanup.
Return any gear- Don't forget to get your patch and sticker!
Smile- Know that you made a difference in your parks and your community!
Please note:
Walkups will be allowed, but will be asked to sign our group waiver.
All participants must adhere to Volunteer COVID Guidelines and preform a temperature check and self-assessment at the start of each volunteer opportunity. Information here: Volunteer Resources.
The District strongly recommends that participants complete their COVID Vaccine before arriving for an event.
More information at our 2022 EBRPD Coastal Cleanup event page!
Point Isabel Coastal Cleanup: