Possible Bird Flu at PI

(updated Jan. 21) East Bay Regional Park District has asked people (and their dogs) not to touch, pick up, bag, or toss any dead birds. Instread, please call EBRPD Dispatch at 510-881-1833 and give them the precise location of the bird.

(Jan. 8) EBRPD has let PIDO know that two dead Black-crowned Night Herons were found at Point Isabel in the field behind Mudpuppy's on Tuesday, January 7. Several more dead birds, including an owl, were spotted by dog walkers and reported to the Park District today (Wednesday).

The birds are being tested for bird flu. Results won’t be available for several days.

As always, avoid contact with any birds at Point Isabel. Report any sick or dead ones to EBRPD Dispatch at 510-881-1833. Don’t handle them or let your dogs touch them.


Bird Flu confirmed at Point Isabel


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