Bird Flu confirmed at Point Isabel

A EBRPD Wildlife Program Manager has confirmed that the burrowing owl found dying at Point Isabel in early January did test positive at the CA Dept of Fish & Wildlife’s Wildlife Health Lab for Highly Pathenogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI).

It’s also very likely the other birds that recently died at Point Isabel — a Great Blue Heron, several Black-crowned Night Herons, a crow, and others — also had bird flu, although EBRPD did not report on the other birds.

The guidance for people and dogs at Point Isabel remains the same:

Avoid contact with any birds at Point Isabel. Don't touch dead or dying birds, don't let your dogs touch them, and phone EBRPD Dispatch at 510-881-1833 if you find any. Give Dispatch the exact location so park district staff can deal with it appropriately.

photo by Lew Jacobson


Hear about Point Isabel History project, April 10


Possible Bird Flu at PI