Bird Flu confirmed at Point Isabel
A EBRPD Wildlife Program Manager has confirmed that the burrowing owl found dying at Point Isabel in early January did test positive at the CA Dept of Fish & Wildlife’s Wildlife Health Lab for Highly Pathenogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI).
It’s also very likely the other birds that recently died at Point Isabel — a Great Blue Heron, several Black-crowned Night Herons, a crow, and others — also had bird flu, although EBRPD did not report on the other birds.
The guidance for people and dogs at Point Isabel remains the same:
Avoid contact with any birds at Point Isabel. Don't touch dead or dying birds, don't let your dogs touch them, and phone EBRPD Dispatch at 510-881-1833 if you find any. Give Dispatch the exact location so park district staff can deal with it appropriately.
photo by Lew Jacobson